One of the multiple bike weeks that Myrtle Beach hosts every year. Should be a very large turnout of people. There will be multiple agencies there as well, including SLED. Hosting agency is Myrtle Beach PD.
This will be the second range qualification for 2024. This will be held at Dukes Isgett's range in St. Matthews. Bring 50 rounds of ammunition for each qualification attempt. Don't forget your hat, ballistics vest, and eyeglasses! Contact Dukes Isgett or myself BEFORE 5/26 at 1700.
This is a big charity golf tournament held by BMW. (If you didn't know, all of the world's BMW X-series SUVs are built there) Normally handled by the Upstate Constable Association, we have been invited to assist as well. Information has already been emailed to all members.