John Kennedy on DC crime: Hugging some people and giving them hot cocoa is not going to work

Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy on “Fox News Tonight” Tuesday responded to Council of the District of Columbia Chair Phil Mendelson admitting, “You can get away with murder in this city.” The outspoken senator discussed Washington, DC’s crime crisis and how the city lawmakers have “decided that cops were a bigger problem than criminals.”


SEN. JOHN KENNEDY: Well, look, it is hard not to notice. I live here part-time and there are now streets in Washington, D.C. that look like they’re out of a scene from Mad Max. It wasn’t always that way. What happened? It’s not quantum physics. 

Three years ago, D.C. lawmakers decided that cops were a bigger problem than criminals. So they defunded the police, caught them $15 million. And those D.C. lawmakers said, we want justice. Well, don’t we all? Here’s a newsflash: Without order, there can be no justice. 

Newsflash number two: Unless you have a history, of disappointing your parents, you know, or should know, that there are some people in this world. I don’t know why, but they’re not sick, they’re not mixed up, they’re not confused. It’s not that their mother or father didn’t love them enough. 

They’re just antisocial. And by that, I mean they hurt other people and they take other people’s stuff. And we have to separate them from society And hugging them and giving them hot cocoa is not going to work. That’s why we need cops. And the final point I’d make, look. We have bad cops. I wish we didn’t. I wish we lived in La La Land or own big rock candy mountain where hands lay soft-boiled eggs. 

We have some bad cops, but we’re trying to do better. But in the meantime, 99% of the cops are not bad people. And they will leave you alone unless you do illegal stuff. And I may be wrong, but I think it’s highly unlikely.